7 examples of high-tech innovation in China

This week, Chinese president Xi Jinping outlined his vision for China to become the leading  player in science and technology globally. Speaking at the national congress of the China Association for Science and Technology, he said the country must be on course to being a leading innovator worldwide by 2030.

high-tech innovation in China

high-tech innovation in China

According to a post on the Chinese Academy of Science website, Xi said: “Great scientific and technological capacity is a must for China to be strong and for people’s lives to improve,” adding that the country and even humankind “won’t do without innovation, nor will it do if the innovation is carried out slowly.”

These are lofty words from the world’s emerging superpower. But there are some indications the country’s already well on track – here are just a few examples of technological innovation underway in China.

Innovation in China: Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST) In September this year, the Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope –FAST for short – is set to open its doors and become operational. First proposed in the early 90s, it will become the biggest single-aperture radio telescope on the planet, with 4,600 triangular panels. The telescope is situated in a natural basin in Pingtang County, Guizhou Province, to protect the  project from unwanted magnetic disruptions.

Source From : techworld.com

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